if the interview process isn't nerve-wracking enough, we all know
Murphy's Law has it in for us during our most important hour—whatever
can go wrong, will go wrong. Instead of leaving things up to chance,
it's best to avoid the following situations by being prepared, but in
the off-chance that one of these things happened to you right now on
a way to an interview, first we'd like to express our condolences.
Next, we'd like to show you how to get out of an interview pickle
looking cool as a cucumber. Here's how.
On My Way to an Interview and I'm Lost
to Avoid: Do a dry run getting to and from the interview site
during your free time. Try to make the commute during the hours you
will be interviewing to properly adjust for traffic, train/plane
schedules, etc. While this isn't always the most convenient or
economical option, it certainly is the best.
to Fix: If you're already on
your way there and have the interview in a few minutes, chances are
you've already tried Google Maps or HopStop (if you haven't, try
those!). Try calling a cab if possible or in the worst case
scenario, first send and email and then call your contact point at
the site to let them know that you're running late. Do this as soon
as you know you'll be late.
Just Spilled Coffee/Tea/Breakfast/Anything on my Shirt
to Avoid: Eat
at home before getting dressed. Don't grab something on the go—plan
your interview day with the proper amount of time to get everything
done without rushing, including eating your breakfast/lunch and
drinking your morning cup of joe. Keep a laundry detergent stick,
baby wipes or Shout Wipes in your briefcase or carrying device. If
you're driving, put them in the glove box. The day before your
interview, place a spare shirt in the backseat of your car (or spare
suit on a hanger if you're accident prone).
to Fix: If
you failed to do all of this, pull out your smartphone, Google the
closest store where you can buy clothes and get to it! Never show up
dirty and never let them see you sweat!
Happens if I Forget to Bring My Resume to an Interview?
to Avoid: Download
Print Hammermill on your mobile phone and upload your resume to your
device. This lets you print anything that you want from your tablet,
smartphone or mobile device. Simply send it to any WiFi enabled
printer. You should also upload your resume to your iCloud and
Dropbox so you can access it from any device.
to Fix:
Hopefully you avoided this one. When all else fails, fess up, show
them your LinkedIn page and email them your resume as soon as you
leave the office.
Forgot to Tell My Interviewer That I ________!
to Avoid: Aside from jotting notes, make mental notes on your
talking points and practice your interview with a friend or
to Fix: Send a thank you note to the interviewer via email. In
it, just don't thank them, bring up anything you forgot to mention or
clear up anything you felt wasn't clarified during the interview.
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